OT Microgrants for Queer Composers

At dif, we support brands becoming more inclusive and activating genuine solidarity schemes with marginalised artists.

Orchestral Tools produce high-quality sampled instruments for composers – Hans Zimmer is perhaps their most well-known aficionado.
Following several happenings in the industry, OT have noticed the composer community is slowly becoming more diverse, but that it is still hugely imbalanced, and its doors are not always open for queer composers. Encouraged by their own staff members from the LGBTQ+ community, they have initiated microgrants to provide support and recognition to queer composers.
From January 2025 on, OT will openly support self-identifying LGBTQ+ composers of all levels by offering a monthly microgrant: each grantee will receive a customised package of licenses, mentoring, networking opportunities, and exposure, that will hopefully give their work a boost.

We have audited this scheme as to promote safe/r space practices; feel free to write us if you have any question about the DEI values of the microgrants or would like your brand to start your own initiative.
To apply for a microgrant in 2025, please write to microgrants@orchestraltools.com.
Applicants are welcome no matter their background, location or level in the industry, as long as they identify as members of the queer community and are comfortable with such exposure.