For Our OGs

We cannot imagine living in a world without dance music and all the industry and the wonderful communities built around it. But did you know that many of the artists who brought us disco, house, and techno cannot afford basic health insurance or make a rightful income from their creations?

These pioneering artists have given us so much over the years and, yet, some are struggling to make ends meet. Isn’t it time we gave back to them? We must support and protect the artists who created the dance music scene, now!

Introducing The-OG-Funda simple and transparent emergency program to support legacy artists.
Let’s not waste time, let’s honor these living legends, let’s be there For Our OGs.
Let us acknowledge that getting legacy producers and DJs paid and supported is an essential matter of equity, especially towards ageing, racialiased, and otherwise marginalised folks as explained by Aslice, a now defunct platform that tried to get high earners to share their income with those who enabled them to become famous.

Write us via the contact form or info @ to receive the two-key/two-step program and learn how you can help.
