BSBS feedback

• “Music becomes the center of my life as soon as I leave the office. As a blind person and regular concert visitor I know the most important questions people might have when standing in front of a stage. Should I get a drink and lose my spot in the front row? This is a common issue. But for people who are out of sight it can push you back right into nowhere land. It’s noisy and crowded. And it smells like … So how to follow the right path? And what about checking out the tour bus? Should I really follow this drunk person while hoping not to end up in the middle of a big street or something? Well, I faced some quite interesting challenges along the way and so I’m more than happy to help out with this project.” Denis Sariyannis

• “In former times I visited several Rock-Festivals like WACKEN (DE), ROCK AM RING (DE) as well as ROCK THE RAPIDS in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. But since I can see less and less – as well more and more friends have children, no time, other hobbies – or already passed away – it is nearly impossible, finding a guard for rock festivals. So the Idea of Nadia and friends is very valuable – especially in focus of REAL PARTICIPATION in society, cultural diversity, Music and Arts. I just can support the great idea! Let us make this world a little bit more colourful – even for blind and visually-impaired human beings.“ Romano Alberto

• “I’ve been to a lot of rock festivals. I think the idea of a guide is really good. I have always been there in a larger group and had support. To me, the most difficult hurdles unaccompanied are the tent cords that you have to overcome on the way to your tent and the Dixies. These are almost always extremely dirty; an accompaniment with festival experience is very important to search and find an acceptable Dixie-Toilet. Generally-speaking, reliable guidance is extremely important on the concert grounds, since our hearing doesn’t work that well anymore with the music 🙂
In my opinion, the Rock Your Life Festival is one of the best. It is run by Frei.Wild fan shop who employs people with severe ability impairments. As a result, the organizer of the festival has a lot of experience with this topic. For example, an accompanying person can join for free at the festival; unfortunately, this is not the case everywhere. There is also a separate concrete camping area for the differently-abled. But I didn’t want to go there because I wanted to go to the “regular” campsite. I told them in advance and they arranged for us to get a corner pitch on the “regular” campsite – as a result, I didn’t have to climb over 10,000 tent cords.” Christian